Raha Ayurveda and Integrated Ortho Neuro Rahab is a world leader in advanced rehabilitation treatment and research.

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Student Care Wings

Ayurveda is one science that not only deals with the health aspect of adults but also with children. At Raha Ayurveda, we have come up with a program exclusive for school-going students that will help them relax from the hardships of school timetables, classes, and other common study-related hardships. The main focus will be to correct his or her metabolism through suitable internal herbal medications. Immunity is also considered here as an important factor of concern. According to Ayurveda, Ghee is good for improving memory and lubricating the connective tissue, and even in small doses, it is tridoshic. Thus an all-round implementation of brain simulators and immune boosters in the form of Ghee, decoctions, and other rasayana preparations are included in this package. Ayurvedic courses of duration of 7 and 14 days along with the integration of Yoga and meditation sessions are wisely used and implemented to the maximum.